Saturday, September 27, 2008


If there were money be made in the "not being able to communicate well" field, I would be the next Warren Bufett. I would consider my communication skills somewhere between a rock and a snail. I find it amazing that after 31 years on this earth I haven't quite gotten the hang of it. I will admit that sometimes, to use a comparison to art. communication is like a Van Gogh, and other times like a Picasso. Silence is golden, but silence can also be like a rusty nail. If you step on it, you need a tetnus shot. Bad communication is like gingivitus, it can make anything that comes out of your mouth stink. The phase goes: it is better to keep your mouth shut, and have people think you a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. But is it also better to be a fool than mute? There is some food for thought. Experience has led me to believe this may at least be somewhat true.

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