Sunday, January 11, 2009

Overconfident to zero in 30 minutes

Confidence is a very good thing. Overconfidence is not so good. In my opinion, males are born with a gene that makes us believe in ourselves more than we should. It is similar in some respects to the idiot gene, and the "I don't need to ask for directions" gene. Well one night, that gene decided to show up in all its glory. Getting straight to the point, I felt like I could handle the "chocolate milk challenge". This consists of drinking a gallon of chocolate milk in an hour, and then keeping it down for another hour. To make a short story even shorter, I failed. It wasn't one of those times where I can say that "I almost made it" , I didn't even come close. I lasted about thrity minutes. The remains of my ill-fated attempt were scattered across the bathroom floor. Do you know how it feels to stand in the ruins of a crumbled ego? Not good I will tell you, but a man's ego is like a cartoon character. It can get blown up one second, then appear in the next scene as if nothing had happened. This occured back in 1999, and I am happy to say that my overconfidence gene is still as good as ever.


Chilelilly said...

HAHAHA! I never heard about that one...

Erin said...

I say now that your confidence is back to 100% you should try it again. I think you could do it...